Today, she is fascinated by her toes and feet. She's been introduced to her toes a few times during diaper changes and has been increasingly aware of them during play time but today, she is absolutely fascinated by them. She has been bringing her knees to her chest and grabbing her toes all morning! It is so cute! Also, I think that during her last diaper change, she was trying to put her foot in her mouth. Part of the reason could be because she's been wearing socks for the past couple of days since it's been so cold and today is pretty nice inside, so she's barefoot. She is also having fun using her feet to play with the toys that hang above her when she's on her play mat.
Emma still love love loves to sit up. She even tries to bring herself into an upright position. While my parents were here, Emma was sleeping in her boppy lounger pillow on the floor. I was at the kitchen table with my Mom and thought I heard Emma moving. I looked around the corner to see Emma with her head, neck and shoulders lifted off the pillow trying to sit up to see what was going on! My little girl is getting so big!
In addition to sitting, Emma has recently figured out that standing is tons of fun too! We've been holding her in a standing position until her legs get tired and she just sits down. Recently though, she's been wanting to stand. The other night, Kurt was giving her a bath and as he leaned her forward to wash her back and bum, instead of just leaning forward and putting her hands on the end of the tub like she usually does, she just straightened her little legs. We laughed and laughed because it was so cute. Emma was very proud of herself! Granted she wasn't standing straight up, her body was forming a 90 degree angle, but she was standing nonetheless. Also, during playtime, I'll grab her hands and pull her to a sitting position. Probably about half the time now, she'll dig her feet into the floor and pop up into a standing position. She gets SO proud of herself and loves looking around in this position.
Emma has rolled over (tummy to back) a handful of times now. But she doesn't seem to have any inclination to want to do it and instead just screams whenever we put her on her tummy. Today, I put her on her tummy in her crib and left the room to wash my hands after changing her. She didn't know I was watching and proceeded to flip over! Of course I gave her lots of kudos when I went back in the room and made her do it two more times. Maybe she'll slowly figure out that she can flip if she wants to. (Probably Mom and Dad need to use more tough love and not flip her themselves when she starts to fuss!)
There are some other things that I wanted to post, but I can't think of right now...hopefully, I'll post again later today and maybe add some pictures!
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