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Monday, May 7, 2007

Wine Tasting in Rudesheim

We joined a group of about 15 for a wine tasting in Rudesheim on April 5. It was an adventure just getting to the Eibingen Zehnthof winery! Our GPS told us it would only be about a 40-45 minute drive since Rudesheim is just a couple of towns over from where we live. We drove along enjoying the scenery when we realized that we were driving right to the edge of the Rhine river! So we, and friends in the car in front of us, end up waiting and then boarded a ferry to cross the Rhine! It was a first for but a little unnerving at the same time! Then we drove up the side of a mountain winding through the town as all German roads do to the winery. The building was is so astonishing that so many buildings here are as old as they are. This one was build in 1506!

We tasted about 6 wines and had a short history of the region and its wine production. We also had a tour of the wine cellar. They definitely gave us more wine to taste than the mouthfuls that we had up in NY on our honeymoon! We probably drank about 3 glasses of wine in less than 2 hours! Luckily we stayed for dinner!

The wines were good; we brought home 4 bottles to help fill our wine rack that we emptied before we left to come over =)

Wine Tasting in Rudesheim Album (Click to see more pictures!)

1 comment:

Michael Campbell said...

Sounds like you two are becoming alcohlics! Thanks for the updates. Can't wait to see these sights in person.