Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pop Rocks and Pumpkins

...but not together.

Yesterday, we helped Cameron celebrate his 4th birthday. His party was Rock and Roll themed. His parents were very excited to introduce the kids to 'their very first pop rock experience.' Emma was a big fan and said it was like the candy was dancing in her mouth. :)

Insert photo/video here.

Today, we met a few friends at Baugher's in western Maryland. It was a gorgeous day, bright sun and right around 60 degrees. The kids had a great time in an inflatable pumpkin. I think Emma went in 3 times. We took a hayride to the pumpkin patch where the kids had fun sliding down a piece of tubing from atop a huge round hay bail. They also had fun looking and playing with the pumpkins. Kurt was happy to find his perfect pumpkin for the year. After returning to the market area, we had lunch complete with hot dogs/pitt beef, fresh cut fries, cider, and an apple fritter! The kids played on a small swing set and then went into the petting zoo. Emma got to hold a kitten, see peacocks, feed sheet, goats, and a donkey, and pet an llama (or maybe alpaca). We returned to the market to stock up on fresh apple butter, maple fudge, apples, and rootbeer (for the ride home). Both girls were great all day. Emma was a fantastic listener and Mia was content to be in the Bjorn and look around and nap periodically. We wish all fall weekends were as great as this one!

Stay tuned for pictures.


Last weekend, we met Nadine, Paul, and Claire at the DC Zoo. We had great weather and a great day! Emma and Claire had a great time walking around the zoo together and Mia enjoyed the view from her stroller. The grown-ups enjoyed visiting as much as was possible while chasing after two 3 year olds. :) It's great that the zoo is so nice and that it's a nice mid-point for our families to meet at periodically!

We look forward to the next time, when Kim, Chris, Cameron, and Mason can join us!

Pictures to come! Stay tuned!

2nd Tooth!

Mia's 2nd tooth, bottom left (right when facing her) poked through on Tuesday 16 October. She's had a couple nights of better sleep. Friday, she was only up two times...once at 1:30 and then for the day at 5:30. IF she figures out how to sleep all night, I have no problem starting the day so early! Here's hoping!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More Firsts!

Mia had more firsts today (28 weeks and 1 day, ~6.5 months)!
28 weeks and 1 day (we forgot yesterday was Tuesday!)

When Kurt went to get Mia out of her car seat this evening, she lifted both arms up to him. I thought she had been starting to lift her arms when I went to pick her up over the last few days, but this was the first time that she decidedly did it. Too cute!

At dinner tonight, we discovered that her first tooth popped through. The bottom one on her right side. We thought she was teething for quite a while and I felt around in her mouth this morning, but didn't feel anything, so at some point today it came through. She's growing up! I think I'm going to make it my mission to take as many pictures of her gummy smile over the next few days as I can...gummy smiles are my favorite!

The happy girl actually poses for pictures. She will stop what she's doing, look at the camera, and smile!
Tonight in the bath tub, Mia leaned forward, grabbed the edge of the tub and pulled herself to standing. While she's been pulling herself to standing holding on to our hands, this is the first time she did it all by herself. She did it so that she could reach out and touch the octopus faucet cover. She was incredibly proud of herself!

Look at her go! Such a big girl!

It's exciting that Mia is doing so much, but I admit that I teared up a bit tonight when we discovered her tooth. She's getting so big so fast! She's barely a baby anymore! She is a happy girl though and we are so blessed!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Recent Facebook Posts

These speak for themselves :)

Kurt's post on 7 October:
Emma: Dad, I want the Kiki ballerina show. I didn't watch that in a long, long time ago.
Me: Emma, you watched that 5 times today!
Emma: I need to watch it 6 times, silly.

Kurt's post on 7 October: 
Emma at lunch: Dad, I want a quesadillo for lunch.
Me: I don't think Mom wants you eating another one this week.
Emma: Dad, I need a whole lot of cheese in my belly.

Kurt's post on 7 October:
Carrie: Why is it so loud in here?
Me: Because we have dinosaurs for children.

Carrie's post on 6 October: 
If Emma had FB, her update would be: "I have my Daddy wrapped around my little finger and sweet talked him into buying me a scooter this morning."

Weekend of Firsts

We had an exciting weekend!

On Friday, Mia got to meet Maureen for the first time! When I brought Mia out of her daycare room, she saw Maureen, looked at her for a second and gave her the biggest smile. A few times over the weekend, we caught her looking between the two of us. We both recall Emma had the same reaction when she first met Maureen at 5 months. It was great to have Maureen here; I miss her terribly and the girls both love her. All weekend long, we heard Emma, "Miss Maureen this" or "Miss Maureen that," it was very cute. On Sunday morning, Emma wanted to see Maureen very badly. Some comments:
"Mommy, Why is Miss Maureen still sleeping?"
"Miss Maureen sure is a sleepy head!"
"Is it time for Miss Maureen to wake up yet?"
"Miss Maureen sure does like to sleep a lot!"
Several of these were repeated over and over again between 630 and 815 when I finally told Emma she could go tell Maureen that coffee was ready.

Saturday evening, Maureen gave Emma braids after her bath. She looks adorable and so big all at the same time!  This is a sort of first. Rachel tried to braid her hair a long time ago, but it wasn't quite long enough.

We had pumpkin pancakes for the first time as well on Sunday. They were delicious! We will definitely be enjoying them again! Mia had her first taste of pumpkin. She was not sure what to think of it. I mixed in a little milk, so it might have been a bit of a different taste for her.

Friday evening, Mia was playing on a blanket and got up onto her hands and knees. She's been doing this for a while and desperately trying to figure out how to move her hands. I got down in front of her and told her to come to Mama...and she did! Honest to goodness crawls! It was so exciting! The rest of the weekend, she continued to crawl to me. It's only a few short movements, but exciting nonetheless. This evening, when Kurt and I picked her up, she showed her daycare teacher her moves too. Ms. Virginia told us that she hasn't crawled there before; she'd only been getting up and rocking back and forth. Tonight, I sat her in her room with a toy and was putting laundry away in her drawers. She pushed the toy out of the way and crawled over to the drawer to play with the pull. I guess the days of leaving her unattended are dwindling.

We also think that Mia might be getting her first tooth. She's been 'teething' for quite a while, poor baby. But on Saturday morning, we both felt that her right bottom gum was a little swollen. Ms. Virginia said the same thing today. Mia has been biting on everything and will do anything to get our fingers in her mouth to gnaw on. She seems to be handling it like a trooper, but we can tell she's uncomfortable.

On Saturday, we went to our community's yard sale. Emma quickly spied scooter. And not just any scooter, but a Princess scooter. She's been asking for a scooter for about a year now. (Since the fall/winter were so mild last year, all the big kids raced around on their Razor Scooters all year long.) She quickly turned on the charm: "Daddy, can I please have this scooter, please Daddy?" He tried to pass it off to me, but I quickly put the ball back in his court and of course he relented. She did great on it and was occupied the whole time we were at the yard sale! She's been out on it 3 times now and loves it!

Emma and her new scooter!
Action shot!
She's a pro!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A couple recent pictures

Self portrait
All ready for lunch!


Mia's first big girl bath!

Mia had her first big girl bath tonight! She and Emma got in the tub at the same time. Mia LOVED it! She looked around in awe and had fun playing a bit. Unfortunately, Emma wasn't feeling well tonight and didn't get as much enjoyment out of it that we thought she would. She's been looking forward to bathing with Mia for a while, so it was disappointing. Hopefully next time will go better.

6 month checkup

Mia had her 6 month check up yesterday.

She weighed in at 17lbs 4.5 oz and measured 26 inches long. These are 75th and 50th percentiles respectively. For comparison, at 4 months, she was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. Her pediatrician showed us her chart and that she is growing in a step pattern.

Mia would not lay flat on the scale and insisted on being in a crunch position the entire time the nurse attempted to get her weight. She also impressed the doctor by trying to crawl up the examination table. The doctor exclaimed, "You know she's not supposed to be doing that yet, right?!? She's obviously developing well."

We got the go ahead to continue with solids, but be sure that Mia gets at least 20oz of breastmilk daily until she's at least 8 months old. Since she's been attempting to refuse bottles, we've started sending rice cereal with milk for her 'breakfast' at daycare. We were also encouraged to sleep train her since she's still waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours most nights. In addition to our sanity, it's important for her to get consecutive hours of sleep. The doctor said it would take at least 3 days and up to 14 and recommended starting on a Thursday so that we would have the weekend to rest as needed if the nights were really rough. I don't mind feeding her 1 time a night and then her being an early riser if need be so the goal will be for Mia to sleep at least 6 consecutive hours. Here's hoping it only takes her 3 nights!

Mia received 3 injections, including her flu shot, and an oral vaccine.  She impressed the nurse by taking the oral vaccine like a champ. She was so pitiful for the injections. Poor baby. But some Mommy snuggle time immediately afterward helped.

It's crazy that our baby is 6 months old already! Time is flying!