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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

6 month checkup

Mia had her 6 month check up yesterday.

She weighed in at 17lbs 4.5 oz and measured 26 inches long. These are 75th and 50th percentiles respectively. For comparison, at 4 months, she was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. Her pediatrician showed us her chart and that she is growing in a step pattern.

Mia would not lay flat on the scale and insisted on being in a crunch position the entire time the nurse attempted to get her weight. She also impressed the doctor by trying to crawl up the examination table. The doctor exclaimed, "You know she's not supposed to be doing that yet, right?!? She's obviously developing well."

We got the go ahead to continue with solids, but be sure that Mia gets at least 20oz of breastmilk daily until she's at least 8 months old. Since she's been attempting to refuse bottles, we've started sending rice cereal with milk for her 'breakfast' at daycare. We were also encouraged to sleep train her since she's still waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours most nights. In addition to our sanity, it's important for her to get consecutive hours of sleep. The doctor said it would take at least 3 days and up to 14 and recommended starting on a Thursday so that we would have the weekend to rest as needed if the nights were really rough. I don't mind feeding her 1 time a night and then her being an early riser if need be so the goal will be for Mia to sleep at least 6 consecutive hours. Here's hoping it only takes her 3 nights!

Mia received 3 injections, including her flu shot, and an oral vaccine.  She impressed the nurse by taking the oral vaccine like a champ. She was so pitiful for the injections. Poor baby. But some Mommy snuggle time immediately afterward helped.

It's crazy that our baby is 6 months old already! Time is flying!

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