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Monday, October 8, 2012

Recent Facebook Posts

These speak for themselves :)

Kurt's post on 7 October:
Emma: Dad, I want the Kiki ballerina show. I didn't watch that in a long, long time ago.
Me: Emma, you watched that 5 times today!
Emma: I need to watch it 6 times, silly.

Kurt's post on 7 October: 
Emma at lunch: Dad, I want a quesadillo for lunch.
Me: I don't think Mom wants you eating another one this week.
Emma: Dad, I need a whole lot of cheese in my belly.

Kurt's post on 7 October:
Carrie: Why is it so loud in here?
Me: Because we have dinosaurs for children.

Carrie's post on 6 October: 
If Emma had FB, her update would be: "I have my Daddy wrapped around my little finger and sweet talked him into buying me a scooter this morning."

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