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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Triberg Bus Trip

On Sunday 30 December, we went with Magda, Nadim, Melanie, and Adam on a bus trip to Triberg which is in the Black Forest region of Germany. Triberg is known for its cuckoo clocks and its waterfalls. After touring the House of 1000 Clocks, we watched a spectacular fire show over the waterfalls set to Mannheim Steamroller music. Afterward, we strolled around their Weihnacht Markt (Christmas market) where we warmed ourselves around a huge bonfire and drank Glühwein (warm mulled wine) under decorated Christmas trees.

Here is the description of the trip:
The visitors of the “2007 Triberger Weihnachtszaubers” will experience a unique Holiday event, which takes place directly at Germany’s highest waterfall. Special ambiance is provided by the 300.000 lights, scattered throughout the city of Triberg, forming a gigantic sea of light. The waterfall, especially during this season with snow and ice, presents the visitor a great natural display and leads the traveler to an impressing and lasting encounter. A thick program of various shows, national and international artist’s music performances attend the guests. A light avenue, 26 meters long tunnels with 50.000 lights, offers a true unique Holiday stroll experience.

Here are some of our pictures from the day:


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