Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 10, 2009

Surprise Shower!

Our coworkers surprised both of us with a huge baby shower on Friday 10 April. There were at least 25-30 people there; along with tons of cookies, cake, and ice cream; and a table full of gifts. We were both completely surprised! Apparently, there had been emails going back and forth about it for at least 1 month...really, it was amazing that they were all able to keep it a secret from the two of us. The one game that was played was for Kurt and 5 other guys...they had a race to see who could finish juice from a baby bottle first. It was really fun to watch 6 grown men drinking from baby bottles! Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures.

Here is a picture of the gifts that our generous co-workers gave us:

From April pictures

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