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Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Home Stretch... Start of Week 40

It's hard to believe that it's the start of week seems like we just found out Carrie was pregnant! It's really surreal to realize that any day now, we'll be parents! We're very excited to meet our daughter and start on our next adventure as a family!

On Tuesday this week, we toured the hospital where the baby will be born. Since it was a public information session and tour, it was of course all in German. Luckily, we had a friend come with us to translate. We didn't learn anything earth-shattering, but it was nice to get familiar with the route to the maternity ward.

Carrie's doctor's appointment yesterday was pretty much a repeat of last week's. Both girls are still doing well and it doesn't look like the little one is anxious to come out and play any time soon. Although it's just an estimate, the doctor said that the baby was 8lbs 7oz ....that's 2 oz less than last week. =)

We have another appointment next week...we'll see if we make it that far! If the baby doesn't arrive on her own by June 6th, Carrie likely will be induced early the next week.

Here's Carrie at the start of week 40:


Rachel said...

yay Carrie you're almost there!

Matt and Ashley said...

Looks like you're hiding a big bag of flour in there! Love it:)