Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Animal Sounds and Toy Identification

Emma has been picking things up left and right lately. One of the things we've been working on is animal sounds. When asked what a puppy dog says, Emma responds with heavy panting. It is adorable and cracks us up every time! She learned this from a McDonald's toy dog that pants and barks when his paw is pressed. Emma has a book with a cow in it. When prompted, she will repeat that a cow says "Moo." Just tonight, Kurt was reading Emma her Animal Baby book and made an elephant sound. Emma's version wasn't quite an elephant, but it was pretty close!

This afternoon, Emma and I were playing and I asked her if she could bring me her pink puppy dog, a toy she hasn't played with in a couple days. I repeated the request 2 or 3 times and she got up from my lap and brought over her big stuffed pink dog. I then asked her where one of her yellow duckies was. She looked around but didn't see it, I pointed towards a pile of toys and she got a look of recognition on her face, walked over and picked the yellow duck from the pile of toys.

We're so impressed that Emma seems to pick things up quickly and are trying to be more descriptive using colors, shapes, and numbers, hoping that she'll pick up these concepts too.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Hi Carrie, smart little girl she is. I enjoy reading about Miss Emma.
