Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Emma has several favorite tv shows. Her favorite of the day rotates between Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go!, Dragon Tales, and Yo Gabba Gabba. We stream all of these via Netflix on the Wii. Usually when a 23 minute episode ends, she would tell either of us that her show was over and ask for us to start another one. Within the last week, however, she has started grabbing remote, aiming at the television, and starting the next episode all by herself. Almost every time, she declares, "I did it!"
The first time Emma did it, Kurt didn't believe her and made her show him twice before he realized that it wasn't a fluke!

In the past, she has requested a specific show and every once in a while describes an episode that she's watched recently. She will now request a very specific episode, almost down to the actual episode title and we will have to scroll through the titles before we find it for her.

Yesterday Emma and Kurt had this conversation:
Emma: I need a new episode.
Kurt: Didn't you just start a new episode?
Emma: I wanted the choo-choo one. I can't do it. (She can only start the next episode in the queue, she can't scroll through the queue to find the one she wants.)

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