Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Picture Link

We have really enjoyed being parents for the past week and a half. Emma continues to be amazing. We love just cuddling and looking at her and are continually amazed at how precious she is. While we've had a few rough patches, she seems to be relatively laid back...we thank her for this daily.

Highlights and lessons we've learned this past week include:
-her umbilical cord fell off on Wednesday 3 June while we were still in the hospital
-she had her first pediatrician appointment on Saturday 6 June. The Doctor told us that she has started gaining weight already
-our midwife helped give her her first bath in the tub on Monday 8 June
-Emma wakes up slow...which gives us a chance to get to her before she cries
-Emma HATES diaper changes; she also seems to wait until we're in the middle of a diaper change to complete her business. *sigh*
-Emma rolls onto her side while sleeping
-Emma pulls the covers over her head, scaring her Mommy half to death!

Since our last photo link was getting pretty full, we created a new one.
Click below for pictures:
First baby pictures


SEP said...

BEAUTIFUL! That is all I can say... she looks SO amazing. I can already tell she's going to have Carrie's brains and Kurts sense of humor. ;-)
Lots of Love to you and your new little family! xoxo

Aubrey said...

Miss Emma is BEAUTIFUL! We can't wait to meet her. I'm sure she and Kate will be the best of friends. :) Let us know if there is anything we can do to lend a hand.