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Friday, June 26, 2009

Where has the past month gone?

Emma is 4 weeks old today! It's crazy how quickly the past month has flown by! We're trying to treasure every day with her because they seem to go by way too fast. Emma continues to change daily, physically, her eyes are not the steely newborn blue anymore, they're getting lighter blue. She's getting stronger and enjoying tummy time. She likes morning tummy time on Daddy's chest a lot! Wednesday, Emma actively paid attention to the mobile above her swing for the first time this afternoon. Granted it wasn't for very long, but it confirms that she is seeing farther and paying more attention to her surroundings. She also smiled several wonderful smiles for Mommy Wednesday afternoon and a few more for Daddy on Thursday morning...the jury's still out on whether or not they were "gas smiles." We think they're getting to be closer to the real thing though!

Sunday was Kurt's first Father's Day. We had a great morning of family play time and Emma gave Daddy a card letting him know what a great job he has been doing for the past 3 weeks. She also had a special outfit picked out for the day. :) That afternoon, Kate and Shaun brought their daughter Morgan over so the girls could meet before they move back to the U.S. next week. Since, Morgan is 6 months old, Emma is looking forward to learning a lot from her!

On Tuesday, our midwife said that Carrie is healing well enough and gave the ok to go ahead and start walking for as long as she wants.Yay! That afternoon, Emma dozed in the stroller while Mommy walked a 45 minute loop near the house.

On Wednesday, we introduced Emma to many of our coworkers at lunch. Luckily, it was nice out and we were able to stand under a tree and catch up with friends before grabbing lunch at the canteen. It was wonderful to see people and have a nice leisurely lunch. Although we believe that Emma is an angel, we must give kudos to her car seat, which makes her feel all nice and cozy and puts her to sleep for hours! Afterward, Kurt had to go to work :( but Carrie and Emma visited with Calvin and his family for a bit. Grandma Marx cuddled Emma the whole time, giving Carrie's arms a rest for a while ;)

This past week has been nice and sunny and relatively warm which gives Emma the chance to wear some of the fun sunsuits and sundresses in her wardrobe. So cute to see her little feet and pudgy little baby legs!

1 comment:

Erin Elizabeth said...

How about a picture of those pudgy legs!!!!