Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, October 29, 2009

5 months has flown by!

Emma turned 5 months old today! My how the time flies!

She can sit up by herself now, although she still wobbles a bit, especially when she's tired. She has a lot of fun playing with and reaching for toys while she's sitting. She also LOVES to stand and is able to take steps (with us holding her steady) towards what she wants to examine. She has started to know what she wants to play with or do, so we've started to tell her to "Show Mommy/Daddy what you want," and she'll walk to the toy she wants to play with. It's really cute!

In just the past week or so, Emma has started tolerating tummy time much better. She is still far from loving it, but she spends more time on her tummy, partly because she's realized that she can play on her tummy. She still hasn't quite mastered rolling over. But she's getting a little more consistent at it. She is getting closer to figuring out that she has to tuck an arm under her body to be able to roll.

Emma also loves putting things in her mouth or putting her mouth on objects that are too big for her to lift or fit in her mouth. ...Just in time for germ season...super. It's really funny to watch her try to bite the bumbo seat or eat my elbow while I'm changing her.

Emma is finally (knock on wood) getting into a more normal sleeping pattern. We had a rough few weeks when she was waking up every 2 hours. (One night, we saw every hour, Not fun!). She has started to take more predictable and longer naps during the day- about an hour or so in the morning and afternoon and then again in the evening. We then start bath time around 7 followed by her bedtime meal and a story. We're very fortunate that she goes to sleep without a fuss on most nights. After her story, she just lays in her crib and listens to her nature sounds to fall asleep. Lately, she's only been waking up once, usually between 3-4am and then sometimes around 630 but then sleeping until about 730 before being up for the day.

Here are some pictures from today:

My pumpkin in a pumpkin!

Emma decided that, at 5 months, she was old enough to do a little risque photo shoot :)

So cute in the bathtub

I'm sure there's more that she's been up to and a few more blogs to post (Grandma and Grandpa Campbell's visit, Maureen's visit, and pumpkin carving to say the least)...I'm hoping to get caught up this weekend, so check back soon!


Matt and Ashley said...

Love the pumpkin'll have to crop the faceless adult out at some point:)

Julie said...

She is such a cutie! I love those chubby baby cheeks. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the coy look on the bath photo. So cute. Gramma Marx