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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Whispers and Peek-a-boo

At almost 4.5 months old, Emma is learning new things daily. This week, she is having fun learning how to whisper and playing peek-a-boo.

Earlier this week, I was whispering good morning to Emma during an early morning diaper change and before I knew it she was moving her mouth and forcing air out...basically whisper versions of her coos and baby talk. It was adorable! She did it a few more times this week during diaper changes and getting ready for bath time.

Whenever Emma helps me fold laundry, I always play peek-a-boo with her with the blankets or burp cloths. This past week, Grandma Campbell has been playing peek-a-boo with her frequently and it seems to have finally clicked. Now, anytime Emma gets her hands on a blanket she raises it over her face and pulls it down when we ask "Where did Emma go?" and gives us a huge smile.

She seems to get cuter and cuter daily. She is always surprising us and keeping us smiling whenever we're around her.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

aren't babies so fun??? I love how they reward you with a smile after doing the silliest things with them.