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Sunday, March 21, 2010

This weekend

Quick post of Emma's firsts for the past few days.

Yesterday, Emma climbed a small step for the first time (with Daddy holding her hand) at her new friend Claire's house.

Today, she went from her back, to her tummy, to sitting. This might not seem huge, but for Emma, who detests the thought of being on her tummy, it was ginormous! She also went from sitting to standing with out the use of furniture or another person for help. Still no crawling... she just scoots on her bottom! That will probably end soon once she gets standing on her own down pat.

Emma has been getting more and more confident walking and is starting to progress to running.She rarely cries when she falls down; instead she just figures out a way to stand back up and get to where ever it was that she was going. She did a great job keeping up with her new friend Cameron who is 15 months old.

We discovered this morning that Emma has 2 top teeth! We thought they might be coming since she has had her fingers in her mouth a lot for the past few days, but she wasn't very fussy at all and we really hadn't been checking. This morning, I had her giggling and was able to look in her mouth and saw that the left top tooth was completely through and could see the white of the right top tooth. 

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