Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Emma has been babbling up a storm lately and every once in a while will get a word out. A couple weeks ago, she clearly said Mama while I was cleaning up after dinner. I quickly spun around since she said it without prompting and I was completely surprised. She smiled sweetly at me like she'd been saying it forever. She also says Dada very frequently. So far though, she doesn't use either word to get our attention.

On Tuesday evening, Emma was walking around holding a little rubber duck. I said, "Emma, that is your ducky. Ducky, Ducky, Ducky." She responded, "Ducky." So far, no luck in getting her to say it again.

This evening, Emma walked over to her books and started looking at one. From across the room, I asked her if it was her "Baby Color" book. She clearly said "Baby" back to me.

It's so much fun watching her grow and learn. We swear we can see the wheels turning in her head sometimes trying to figure something out! 

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Was it a "ducky" or a peep??? :)