Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Emma's Ready To Play Operation

Emma has known eye, nose, mouth, head, and toes for a while. She would sometimes know where her ear and hair were as well. A week or two ago we started working on some additional body parts.She now consistently can identify her neck, knees, hands, hair, ears, and boobies. She will some times point to her bum. (I think she knows her bum, since I'm always telling her to sit on it, but is still working on the coordination to be able to point to it or pat it without losing her balance.) She also generally knows where her shoulders are. Again I think this is more of a coordination issue. We're actively working on finding her elbows. She thinks its great when we point them out to her in the bath tub, but I don't think she "knows" them yet. We also have to distinguish between feet and toes and hands and fingers.

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