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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Soap says "Love"

Emma is constantly taking things in, asking "what's that?" and attempting to repeat the answer. The one thing that she refuses to repeat is "I love you." We even tried settling just for the word "Love." Most of the time she'll change the subject by smiling or running away. (Our consolation though are super sweet kisses and great hugs, so we really shouldn't complain too much!) One thing she is great at is repeating animal sounds. So Kurt got the idea during bath time that soap was going to say "Love." He went through the usual animals and then the introduction that soap says "Love" and repeated it several times. When he asked, "Emma, what does soap say?" Emma looked around the bath tub and then back up at him and said "Bath." We can't get anything by this girl!

Tonight in the bath tub, she did try to repeat "I love you" for Kurt. It was super sweet!

1 comment:

Erin Elizabeth said...

I love this story so much. She's such a smartie!!!