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Monday, June 6, 2011

Science Experiment

I am proud to announce that Emma completed her first science experiment tonight!

We on our way home from the park when Emma fell on the sidewalk and scraped up her knee pretty badly. She immediately started crying and told me that she needed ice. (She also told me that she needed her bike as well as bubbles before deciding that ice was what was going to make her knee feel better.) I put a couple ice cubes in a baggie and she decided they were too big and relatively quickly was distracted by something else. A short time later, she wanted to try to ice her knee again and I suggested that we take the ice with us for her bath. She had a great time watching the ice get smaller and melt. Each ice cube's life ended with, "Where did it go?" complete with her little palms facing upwards. It was very cute! We talked about how water freezes to become ice and then when ice gets warm, it melts back into water. Oh, how I can't wait for more experiments!!

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