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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Since we had driven up to Pennsylvania separately, we each stopped at different places for errands on the way home. Kurt intended to just stop for gas, but Emma said she wanted to go into a store. Since Emma has Daddy wrapped around her little finger, they went into Walmart for a bit to wander around. Their wandering led them to toddler beds and they ended up bringing one home. Emma was very proud that she helped pick it out and if you ask her, she'll probably tell you that she put it together herself. ;) She did hold some of the pieces and told us that she was helping....over and over again. (Daddy, I helping. Daddy, I helping.) :) She was very excited once it was put together and immediately started to try to bounce on it. We quickly told her that was not good. She seemed to go to bed fine tonight in it, but she was exhausted, so we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

(A few weeks ago, she did sleep on her mattress on the floor for a week. Exactly a week after I put the mattress on the floor, she asked for it to be put back in her crib.)

We had intended on just getting her a regular twin size bed and not using a toddler bed, but the toddler bed was easy and cheap. (Easy meaning, Kurt threw it in his car and we didn't have to worry about delivery or making things fit.) Also, I think it's making the transition from Emma being a baby to a big girl easier for both Mom and Dad!

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