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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Big Day

Emma had a big day yesterday.

In the morning, I took the mattress out of her crib to change the sheet. After I finished, she pretended to sleep on it and I ended up leaving it on the floor of her room. A little while later, Kurt her to the post office and to get me flowers (aww!) and she was ready for an early nap when they got home. She ended up sleeping on the mattress on the floor and seemed to like it.

After she woke up, we met Calvin, Melanie, and Adam at Child Fest. Emma had fun playing with Calvin in the atrium before going into the auditorium to meet ELMO! Although Emma was excited to see Elmo, she seemed more interested in finding Calvin a few rows up as well as looking around at the huge crowd. She was very well behaved the entire time and listened to us a few times we had to ask her to stop something that was dangerous (i.e. walking on a wall that had a 3 foot drop, and running up and down brick steps).

It wasn't raining when we got home and we walked her down to the Street Fest. Emma loved seeing the climbing wall and really wanted to try. It took us a while to convince her that she was too little and maybe next year she would be big enough. She liked walking with us while we checked out local vendors and even got to pick out a new barrette! She had a lot of fun dancing to some music and watching some local gymnasts demonstrate their handsprings, jumps, and hand walking. Emma repeatedly would walk towards the mats and say, "I do it." I picked up a brochure and might take her try out a "Mommy and Me class in the next few weeks.

After we got back, Emma got to put on some training pants and impressed us when she stayed dry all evening long! Even after another walk out to the street fest when Mommy got hungry for a funnel cake!

After bath time, we asked Emma if she wanted us to put her mattress back in her crib or if she wanted to sleep on the mattress like it was a big girl bed. She was adamant that she wanted a big girl bed. She went down relatively smoothly and stayed in her bed all night long! The mattress is still on the floor and she napped there again today and went to bed there again tonight. Looks like Mommy and Daddy need to go shopping for a real big girl bed soon!