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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Emma's new tricks

At 3 months old, Emma's personality is developing more every day. Increasingly, she knows what she wants and will not be pacified with something else. She is also getting stronger and more coordinated which helps her get what she wants.

This morning, she was nursing and decided she was finished. Instead of just laying there and looking around and maybe fussing a little, she pulled herself up to a sitting position! I was really amazed at how quickly and easily she was able to do it. We've been sitting her up on the couch for weeks now. She loves being able to look around and play with toys while sitting up. The past few days, we've been incorporating sitting into play time. If she's wide awake, she can find her center of balance and stay upright by herself for a few seconds. As she gets more tired, she starts flopping to one side or another. She also leans forward a lot and is able to hold herself at about a 45 degree angle from the floor. She is just starting to put her arms down to catch herself if she's falling forward. She has figured out that if she falls forward and can't get up, that she can kick out her legs and end up on her tummy. She still isn't that keen on being on her tummy, but it's got to be better than being folded over in half!

Emma has also started to really play with toys. She'll hold blocks or rattles in her hands and look at them. If she drops them (which happens frequently), she will use her feet to bring the toys back to her hands. It's really neat that she's figured out that her hands and feet are connected to her body and that she can use them to get what she wants.

Emma has rolled from her tummy to her back a few times...but nothing consistent. When she's on her tummy and gets frustrated, she isn't able to figure out how to roll. I'm sure she'll put 2 and 2 together soon though. She also seems to be getting close to rolling from her back to her tummy. She'll be reaching for something and arch her back and almost flip...I'm sure when it does happen, it will scare her and she won't know how to get back!

Another thing we're excited for is that Emma will now sit through an entire story book. Before she would start fussing as soon as we opened a book. Now she'll look at the pictures and try to turn the pages. She doesn't have any favorites yet, but we're hopeful that maybe she'll end up loving to read as much as we do.

Our little newborn is quickly growing up before our eyes. We're treasuring every moment we spend with her!

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