Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Giggles and Tummy Time!

Emma and I were laying in bed this afternoon recapping all the people and babies we saw at ladies lunch and what a nice time we had when all of a sudden she just let out a giggle. I giggled back in response and to my amazement, she giggled again! She's been trying really hard to figure out how to giggle and laugh and I thought that her giggle was just a fluke and that she wouldn't be able to do it again...but she did! I think we giggled together for about 3 full minutes! It was so fantastic! She giggled again a few hours later during a diaper change. It wasn't quite as long as the first time, but they were definitely still giggles! They were so cute and adorable! Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera near by, but hopefully, I'll be able to get some happy Emma giggles on video soon!

Also today, when she was on her tummy, she actually reached out to grab at toys that I put in front of her. For Emma, this is a big accomplishment, because a lot of tummy time is spent yelling about how much she doesn't like tummy time instead of exploring. At one point she picked up a circle rattle so that it was perpendicular to the floor and brought her head down to look at it and ended up resting her head on the rattle and not being able to move...this ended up with her being very upset! When we were at Renae's today, Emma was on Robert's play mat which has little frogs printed on it. Emma was very interested in a little red frog and intently scratched at cute!

I know we haven't posted pictures in a while...please be patient, we're working on it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww!! Baby giggles are the best!!