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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sitting and Standing

As soon as Emma figured out she had abdominal muscles, she has loved sitting. Of course at first, it was with our help, then it was propped up, until about the last month when she became strong enough to sit up unaided. Currently, she is trying really hard to pull herself to sitting from her back. I think she's still has a way to go, but it's cute to watch her grunt and groan and pull her shoulders and feet off the ground.

Emma also loves standing. When she was younger, Daddy would stand Emma on his legs and she would love looking around and directly into his face. As she got stronger, we would stand her on the floor for short period of time (i.e. less than a minute). For the past couple of months (probably since September), she has loved being pulled to standing from a sitting position. It's incredible that in just a couple short weeks, we were doing most of the work to get her to standing and now, she is doing most of the work and pushing up with her legs and pulling with her arms and most of the time we're just there for support and balance.

Recently, we've been trying to show her how to hold on to her crib to stay standing. She seems to get a little over confident though and tries to let go, obviously resulting in her falling backward. Silly girl! We've also been showing her how to use her bumbo seat to pull herself up to standing (with our help of course). She does pretty well if her starting position is sitting on one of our legs (she's about 1/3 of the way up). If she's not tired, she can sometimes do ok from a full sitting position. But again, she gets over confident and tries to let go and stand alone or she tries to stand on one leg.

She does the funniest thing if she can't pull herself up. She sort of yells at the bumbo seat and then tries to eat it. As if exerting her dominance over an inanimate object will help it help her stand! Silly girl!

We thing all of her development is really exciting, although we've been warned that once she starts moving, we'll never be able to relax!


Aubrey said...

So fun! Kate likes to do "crunches" too. Nick has adopted the role of personal trainer and is constantly reminding her to work on her core. :)

I am so excited that Emma can sit in the shopping cart! Now that she's sitting alone, it's time for Miss Kate to try that too. I completely forgot how that revolutionizes the shopping experience.

I heart five-month-old babies!

Janet said...

Saw some cute photos of Emma on Mel's site. In some she is sitting up like a big girl! Hope her cold is short lived. Hugs. Gramma Marx