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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Growing Pains

Our poor little Emma has been really uncomfortable for a week now. She had her first cold last week- she was congested and had a little cough when she was laying down. Luckily, it didn't seem to bother her too much and she handled it like a champ. Once she was over her cold, however, it seemed like her mouth started to bother her. We still can't feel anything that indicates that teeth are going to pop through anytime soon, but she's been chewing incessantly and is constantly putting our fingers into her mouth to gnaw on. She also refused to nurse on one side and has been eating smaller meals more frequently.

A few times, she has woken up from her naps crying. Emma almost never wakes up crying. Today she woke up crying which quickly escalated to screaming like I have never heard her. I felt so bad for her that I almost started crying with her. I feel so bad for her because I'm sure that she has no clue what is going on or why she is in pain or why the things that usually feel good (sucking her nuk or eating) make her even more uncomfortable. Luckily, she is slowly starting to take to some of the teething toys we have for her and usually she'll snuggle for a while until she feels better and is back to her smiley, happy self again.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Poor Emma Grace! Hugs and kisses from her friends Ella and Kate. For some kiddos teething is THE WORST. Kate's gnawing like there's no tomorrow too, and I'm worried because Ella didn't get teeth until she was 7 months old. We could be in for a long month or two...