Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, September 20, 2010

It's rough being 15 months old!

On Saturday, Kurt had plans to play cards and Emma and I planned to go to a friend's birthday lunch. The morning started off reasonably well, but at 10am Emma went into breakdown mode. Finally, we (Emma and I) figured out that she wanted cheese the third time I offered it to her. She refused to eat anything else. I realized she was tired, but she did not want to nap. I tried struggling with her in the rocking chair, tried resting with her in a bed, nothing was working. So, in a very frazzled state, I threw stuff in her diaper bag, changed my clothes and got us both into the car a good 45 minutes before we had to leave for lunch. She was asleep before we go to the first stop sign in our development. We sat in the parking lot for a good 20 minutes before I woke her up to go into lunch.

While we were at lunch, I guess she was mostly good. She just wanted to be up walking around or exploring outside the entire time. Of course, this got me frustrated all over again. She was pretty good during the meal. At one point, she brought me a bag of Melanie's and started taking out the few things that were in it. Melanie was way across the room from us, but I told her to take the items to Melanie and she just turned around and did. Such a good little girl! By the end of the lunch though, she had about had it and wouldn't sit or stand still long enough for me to get my wallet out to pay or find my keys. It was very frustrating, but someone we managed.

After we got home, I really wanted her to nap since I was exhausted, but of course she didn't want to. After a couple hours, and some tears on both our parts, we ended up going to visit with Calvin and Melanie and Adam. The kids had fun playing with a new outdoor toy of Calvin's and then playing inside after dinner.

Looking back, although I thought it was a bad day, it really wasn't that least she wasn't screaming the whole time! I guess I just have to learn to take things in stride a bit better.

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