Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 3, 2011

Future Fan Club President?

A story from Daddy:
This weekend on the car ride to and from Philly to have Christmas with
the Carrie's family, we heard Justin Bieber's "Baby" on the radio quite a
few times. Emma liked the song a lot and sung along, "baby, baby,
baby" several times, even when the song was over. It was too cute,
although I was quite worried that our 19 month old daughter was
already a fan of the Biebs. So today, I thought I would play her the
music video on youtube, and I really expected her to love it and sing
along again. I was wrong. I could tell she was confused watching the
video, and after a few seconds she said something I was unsure of, but
contained the word "baby." I told her the "baby" part was coming up,
and when the refrain hit, I got her to sing along once, but then she
said what I believe was: "There is no baby." I laughed and told her
there was no baby in the video, but he was just singing the word baby.
Emma was not pleased, and said very clearly, "Where is the baby?" I
laughed again and told her there wasn't a baby, and to that she told
me to turn off the video and turn Blue's Clues back on. Priceless!

1 comment:

Matt and Ashley said...

Glad to hear Emma doesn't have Bieber Fever yet. Hilarious story:)