Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fun Emma stories from Friday

On Wednesday, we were having meatloaf for dinner and I didn't want Emma bothering me for the 8 minutes it takes to mix everything together so I put out a quilt on the living room floor, got her a bowl of crunchers and a cup of water and turned on Blue's Clues. Tonight, we got home and Emma asked for a snack. She proceeded to carefully carry her bowl into the living room, wait for me to put the quilt on the floor and then sat down and ate her snack. =)

During her second pre-dinner snack (they were both small), Emma was sitting in her booster seat at the table. When she decided she was finished, she started throwing what was left on the floor. I sternly told her that it was not acceptable and took her to timeout. She did not like this and protested quite vehemently. When I let her go, she was still crying and went and sat on the stairs and just looked at me with the most pitiful face. I sat by her, she gave me a hug and finally calmed down. I reiterated that throwing food was not acceptable. I'm not sure she was really listening.

During our pizza dinner, she insisted on feeding me a piece of pizza in between her bites of pizza. It was really cute.

After dinner, she was on the couch and threw a thow pillow over the arm, she then proceeded to dive head first over the couch after it. Luckily, I was able to catch her leg so she didn't fall on her head. When I looked at her, she just smiled and started laughing. *sigh* This might be a new game.

During bath time, Emma had a lot of fun playing with her floating hippos. She really likes hitting them to make them chirp. Afterward, while I was trying to get her dressed, I asked her to lay down and she promptly folded herself in half and pretty much laid down on her stomach. Not the best position to put a diaper on!

She enjoyed reading a nursery rhyme book, and pointed at a pig and said "Piggy" without any prompting! I didn't even know she knew what a pig was! During the second book, she turned and pointed to her crib and pointed. I asked if she wanted to go to bed and she shook her head yes. Kurt usually puts her to bed and says she does this almost every night.

Although she had some moments, we had a lot of fun tonight while Kurt was out playing cards!

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