Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Mia was very expressive today. We had a great time playing, smiling, and talking. :) She even smiled when I asked her to a few times. She tried to chime in when Emma and I were singing this evening. She also did great during tummy time, although she still gets frustrated that she can't roll over onto her back. During dinner, she was upset that she wasn't at the table with us and once I picked her up, she was a happy little girl to be with us and see what we were doing.

She is getting into more of a routine. Generally, she wakes up around 6am (give or take 30 minutes), eats and then plays for about an hour then goes back to sleep for about an hour. Then she'll wake up, have some alert quiet time until she's hungry. We then have more play time until she's tired again. We repeat this routine several times although she doesn't take another long nap until the middle of the afternoon. Then generally around 4 or 430, we head out to pick up Emma from school. In the evening, Emma harasses plays with Mia. Every few days we give Mia a bath around 7pm after getting her in pajamas, we read a book, the other nights around 730, we change her into pajamas and  read a book. She then has quiet alert time before falling asleep between 8 and 10. Luckily, (knock on wood) she is still sleeping about 4-5 hours before waking to eat. After her long stretch of sleep, she wakes every 1.5 to 2 hours after that until around 6am.

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