Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Getting Bigger!

Mia almost rolled over today! She's rolled over about 3 times before this, but they have always been flukes...usually it's how I put her down and she's not super stable, she looks one way and her body follows. Today though, it appeared as though she knew what she was doing (sort of) or what she wanted to do (maybe) (Or I could just be her Mom who thinks she's awesome!) She rolled from her tummy onto her side and then got stuck. I let her be for a minute or two to try to figure out how to kick her leg over, but she only got angry. Finally, I moved her leg for her before picking her up. It's only a matter of time before she figures it out for real!

Since she was born, Mia has been able to get her hand to her mouth. Of course at the beginning, she couldn't really hold it there to suck on but as time goes by, she gets it there more consistently and for longer periods of time. She's even managed to get her thumb sort of in her mouth a couple of times! When she started making noise this morning after a feeding, I went to check on her to see if she needed her pacifier, but her eyes were closed and she already had her thumb in her mouth and her other four fingers pointed straight up. It was adorable!

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