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Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Ages ago, Emma and Daddy picked our Emma's tiger costume for Halloween. We immediately started working on her sound effects to go along with her costume. As a result, long before Halloween, Emma could tell you that tigers (and several other animals) said "ROAR!"

On Friday, Emma dressed up as a rare pumpkin lion for school. (The jacket portion of her costume, was too warm for her to wear inside all day at school.) When I first showed her her whiskers, she didn't know what to make of them, but quickly forgot about them. (I'm so thankful that I thought to use eyeliner instead of regular Halloween greasepaint/makeup--so much less mess!)

A rare pumkin tiger (with attitude!)

On Saturday, we carved our pumpkin. (When I say we, I mean Kurt carved and I sorted through the goop for the pumpkin seeds!) Emma was not very interested in playing with the pumpkin guts. I tried to show her how to put the pumpkin seeds on a cookie sheet, but she tried to eat them instead so she got out of that job. Kurt kept what he was thinking of carving a secret while he drew the template. When he was finished he asked Emma if she liked it. I think she gave the ok. When he was finished, he knew he made the right choice! Emma LOVED her Elmo pumpkin! On Sunday morning, she kept looking at the pumpkin sitting on the island during breakfast and saying in a happy voice, "Elmo! Elmo! Elmo!"

Thinking about putting her hand in the pumpkin

The finished pumpkin!

On Halloween, I got her dressed in her costume in the afternoon and asked her to lay down so that I could put on her whiskers and to my surprise, she promptly did! We intended to try to get some good pictures of her outside in the day light but mostly, she just ran around and played with 4 year old  neighbor.

The tiger in the wild!

While I was cleaning up dinner, the doorbell rang and at 6pm we had the first of our 95ish trick or treaters!  Emma was not very impressed with the costumes. There was a skeleton in the first batch and we think it may have frightened her a bit when he walked toward her. We quickly finished up our chores and got Emma into her jacket and took her outside. Our neighbor, Will, was out on his stoop with his bucket o'candy and we took Emma over to him. He told her how cute she was and we tried to get her to roar....instead she burst into tears! And then cried harder when he put candy into her cute little pumpkin! We got her to calm down a bit and took her to another neighbors' house who we frequently talk to, and she started crying again when they answered the door in costume. :( We thought it would be fun to sit on our stoop to hand out candy and that Emma would have fun seeing all the people but she was just too worked up so we went back inside and Kurt and I took turns handing out candy. Every once in a while, we would grab Emma and show her the costumes, but she was very timid the whole night.

Not sure about this whole thing!

Although not entirely how we planned Halloween, we did have a nice, low key time. Hopefully next year, Emma will be a little bit more excited about it!

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