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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pink Eye

When I picked Emma up from daycare on Wednesday, I noticed she had a eye booger in her right eye. I told her that I hoped she wasn't going to wake up on Thursday with pink eye....but she did. :( It wasn't a bad case at all, but since she can't go to daycare without treatment, we called for a sick appointment at the doctor's. Luckily, Thursday was Veteran's Day, so both Kurt and I had the day off. Unfortunately, we spent over 3 hours at the doctor's office and pharmacy. I (Carrie) was not a happy camper.

Emma ended up screaming the entire time she was being checked out. (The nurse practitioner checked her ears, throat, and chest to make sure it was "just pink eye" and not a more systemic infection.) We left the office with a prescription for both eye ointment as well as amoxicillin in case Emma wouldn't let us put the ointment in her eyes. We drove around for 10 minutes so that Emma would fall asleep, then I ran into the pharmacy while Kurt stayed in the car with Emma. After wandering around aimlessly for 15 minutes, I was paged to the pharmacy where I was informed that they couldn't fill the prescription because it was dated for Friday, not Thursday. Back to the doctor's office we went to get it updated. (This took another 20 minutes.) Luckily, it only took about 10 minutes to get the ointment from the pharmacy.

Emma woke up by the time we got home, and Kurt put the first dose of ointment in her eyes while she was in the carseat (We figured restrainment would be helpful). She was not happy. Since we had to fight with her again that evening and on Friday morning as well, I called the pharmacy to have the amoxicillin prescription filled. Emma was fantastic when we picked it up. She held my hand and didn't touch anything I told her not to! She even got to pick out a Dora the Explorer cup during the outing.

That evening, I tried to give her the oral medication but she did not like the bubble gum flavored liquid. We've tried using the medicine spoon, a straw in the spoon, and a dropper, pretty much all have failed. We even resorted to bribing her with orange juice for every dose she takes. This morning though, I offered her juice if she took her medicine and she refused. She definitely knows what she likes and doesn't. Luckily, her eyes are clear and we think she had a viral case not a bacterial case of pink eye.

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