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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Like Daddy Like Daughter

A couple evenings ago, Emma and Kurt were in the basement after dinner. When I finished cleaning up, this is what I walked downstairs to:

Like Daddy like Daughter

Emma used to never like blankets on her. At all. She would fight and fidget until she was out from underneath one even if we were snuggling with her on the couch. Lately though, she's been loving her blankets, or "Bee" as she calls them. In the mornings, if we put the television on to entertain her while we get ready for work, she'll climb up on the couch and cover herself up. 

In her bedroom, she will pull a blanket out of her crib, climb up into the chair, ask for Elmo, monkey, frog or bear, and then ask for a book and sit and "read" for a bit. She is so happy sitting in that chair. She thinks she is such a big kid when she's sitting there reading her favorite nursery rhyme book or another current favorite, Curious George and the Bunny.

We say this all the time, but it is truly amazing and exciting to see the little person that Emma is becoming.


Rachel said...

love it.

name said...
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Morgan said...

This is such a perfect picture :)