Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We took Good Friday off and drove up to NEPA to spend Easter weekend with Carrie's family. Emma warmed up quickly to the dogs and had fun being brave and running across the living room between Mommy and Daddy in front of the dogs. That evening, Grammy helped Emma dye eggs. Emma had a lot of fun deciding when they were done and how pink was pink enough!

On Saturday, we met Uncle Dave's new dog, Gary. Gary is a 2 year old rescue dog who is very mild mannered and well behaved. He got along well with both the other dogs. Emma, who was still getting used to the big dogs, was not very excited to have a 3rd dog thrown into the mix! We also visited Grammy at work, and Emma picked out some new sneakers. We had a wonderful ham dinner that evening. That night, after Emma went to bed, we had a good time teaching Kurt how to play the card game Flinch.

On Sunday morning, Emma woke up at 4am and needed a drink of water and then came to bed with us for a few hours before she woke up for the day. Since the rest of the house was still asleep at 630am, I ignored the baskets that the Easter Bunny left for Emma and she did too for quite a while. Just before people started waking up, Emma stood on a chair, and said, "I need a juice box." Apparently, she hadn't been ignoring the baskets as much as I thought she had! Later, Emma had fun finding some eggs that the Easter Bunny had hidden through out the house.

After a big brunch, we packed up our car and got on the road. There were quite a few tears as we drove away and Emma exclaiming that she "Needed Jimmy."  Emma has had eyes for her Uncle since she was a baby and he visited us in Germany. This trip, Jim took Emma out several times on walks in the driveway and helped her throw stones in puddles.

On the way home, we stopped in to see Kurt's family as they were just sitting down to dinner. It was wonderful to see everyone and we enjoyed visiting briefly before we got back on the road so that we could get home and unpacked and ready for the following week.

I forgot to take pictures of the baskets, but she received juice boxes, animal crackers, gummy fruit treats, teddy grahams, yogurt puffs, a new water bottle, twistable crayons, stickers, a couple books, a notebook and crayon for her diaperbag, an Elmo figurine, along with a 2-foot chocolate bunny from her Uncle Jim.

We had a wonderful weekend and can't wait to see everyone again soon!


Anonymous said...

2 foot chocolate bunny?!! That's life sized chocolate! Best Uncle Ever!

Rachel said...

So nice to see you!