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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Maureen's Visit!

Maureen came to visit last weekend!

Although Emma hasn't seen Maureen in over a year, she was very excited to see her and warmed up to her quickly.

We had been practicing Maureen's name for a week or so and all weekend long, instead of Emma yelling "Mommy!" we heard "Maureen!" instead. Emma did not want to leave her side and had a ton of fun making mac & cheese and pouring milk for Maureen. They also had fun coloring and playing with Emma's truck.When asked who was her favorite in the group, Mommy, Daddy, or Maureen, Maureen was the winner!

Emma wasn't the only one who was excited that Maureen was here last weekend...I was too! We had a lazy evening on Friday and relaxed after Emma went to bed. On Saturday, we did what we do best and went shopping! Saturday night we planned how we could make over our powder room over a bottle of wine, but Kurt nixed our ideas saying it was the wine talking. As a result, Sunday was spent shopping some more before Maureen had to leave for work on Monday.

It was fantastic having Maureen here for a weekend...hopefully, we'll get to see each other more frequently!


Rachel said...

glad you had some fun girl time Carrie! :) I want to hear the powder room ideas!

maureen Brink said...

I heart you all!!! :) and the painting idea was not only wine induced... it was a good one... next time... :)