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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Entering the Terrible Twos

Although she is two months shy of being 2, we've had a few glimpses of what the 'terrible twos' are going to look like recently. Emma is a very strong willed child. She does not like it when she doesn't get her way. Just this month, on several occasions when she hasn't gotten her way or was reprimanded she has literally thrown herself on to the living room floor and screamed and screamed. Usually, these tantrums have been close to a nap time or bed time, so tiredness obviously is a factor. It is really quite amazing how she throws herself...she doesn't just lay down or even fall down onto the floor, she actually throws herself and gets some air before landing on her stomach and beginning to yell. Maybe she will be a stunt double when she grows up.

Another reaction instead of the tantrums is that she will just refuse to talk to us. She sets her little face into a pout and will shoot daggers out of her eyes at us (aren't we the ones that are supposed to have the 'evil eye'?) until she calms down or we can distract her and she forgets that she's mad at us.

We can tell we're in for some fun!


Rachel said...

ohhh man. here it comes. maybe she'll be a gymnast or a diver one day?

Anonymous said...

It's a little fact that no one ever talks about but the "terrible twos" generally hit right around 18 months ;)