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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mia is 5 months!

How is it that Mia is 5 months already?!? Well, really at the time I'm writing this, she's almost 5.5 months!

She's been busy this month!

Mia still greats us with a great big smile every time she wakes up. It makes our hearts melt.

She's been a bit more difficult to put to bed at night. I used to be able to just lay her down after feeding her and reading to her. But since she's started  daycare, she likes to be rocked/held until she falls asleep.

Mia has been eating rice cereal almost every night since she turned four months old. She loves it! She even wants more food! She whines whenever Kurt, Emma, and I are at the the table and she isn't getting anything. This past Sunday (9 Sept) we gave her sweet potatoes. She loved them. I only gave her half a container but she gladly would have eaten the entire thing if I let her.

We bought Mia her own sippy cup this past weekend. She's been very interested in all our cups/glasses lately and all of Emma's old ones have broken spouts which make them not so sippy any more. Mia still has some work to do to figure out how to hold the cup and get it to her mouth and then figure out how to drink from it.

Mia figured out about a week ago that she can sleep on her belly. At first, this was great. She got some nice long stretches in. Lately, she's been knocking her pacifier out when she turns over which wakes her up.

Just yesterday on the way home from daycare, Mia started saying "Da Da Da" I didn't even hear it at first. Emma excited exclaimed, "Mom!! Mia said Da Da" and sure enough Mia responded with Da Da Da. She said it this morning as well and through out the day her daycare provider told me.
(On a side note, I've been saying Ma Ma Ma to Mia lately and as a result, Emma has taken to calling me Mama. :) )

Mia is getting to be a sitting pro. Ms. Virginia told Kurt that they don't even track tummy time anymore for Mia because all she wants to do is sit.

Mia is getting so very close to crawling. Over Labor Day weekend, she really worked on getting up on all fours. This past weekend, she worked on rocking back and forth. One time, I could see the wheels turning in her head while she was on her hands and knees. She was intently trying to figure out what to do next. Slowly but surely, she's figuring out how to move herself forward instead of backward when she's on her belly.

I showed her the stacking ring set this weekend. Relatively quickly, she figured out that she could take the rings off. She can really only get the first 2 off currently.

Mia, although she drools constantly and loves to bite on her whole fist, doesn't seem to have any teeth ready to pop through yet.

On Saturday, Kurt and Emma were eating freeze pops after dinner. Mia was extremely jealous. Kurt got her some chipped ice from the freezer to give her. She was so proud that she could partake too!

Mia loves the jumperoo. She's just starting to figure out how to jump, but she loves standing and can turn herself around to play with all the toys. She studies the toys very intently, seemingly to figure out how they work.

Mia might have some pollen allergies. On Labor Day, we walked to the park after dinner. Within 3 minutes of us being outside, her eyes were red and watery and she was rubbing them like crazy and her nose started running like a faucet. Just prior to that on Saturday, we were at the Allentown fair and her eyes got red and watery. We thought we had inadvertently sat her in a smoke path while we were hindsight, it may have been allergies.

It's amazing how quickly Mia is growing and changing. It's exciting but a little sad too...I don't want my baby to grow up too fast!!

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