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Monday, September 24, 2012

She drives us crazy!

Emma has been quite the exasperating hysterical child lately. Since I've not been good about blogging the stories the days they happen, I'll copy a friend's idea and show you what we've posted on Facebook lately:

Carrie posted on 30 August: Happiest sound in the world...hearing my two girls giggle together!
In late August, Mia really started to pay attention to Emma. Almost every afternoon, Emma gets Mia to giggle on the ride home. Then once we're inside, she makes her laugh again while I put stuff away and Mia is still in the carseat. Emma is supposed to be using the bathroom and changing into a pullup at this time, but generally, she pops in and out of the powder room making funny faces and noises which Mia finds hysterical. Emma continues to entertain Mia whenever Mia is in her highchair. We are so blessed that Emma loves her sister so much. Sometimes it's frustrating that she won't leave Mia alone, but we can tell they are going to be best friends. Mia already watches Emma intently and will be trying hard to keep up with her soon! 

On 6 September 6, a friend, Melissa, posted: It's great when kids can make you laugh, like adults can never do. We watched Emma tonight, and we all took a walk over to see the horses. On the way, we saw a big tree that fell over, with its roots out of the ground. Cameron asks "What happened to that tree?" I say, "It was old, and it fell down." Emma says "My Grandma is old." Cameron says "Is she going to fall down?" :) 
Just a cute story that we wanted to remember. 

Carrie posted on 8 September: my 3 year old has not stopped talking ALL day long...she's a broken record.
On this Saturday, Emma was up and at 'em right around 6am. Before 6:20am, I heard the phrase, "Hey Mama...." approximately 20 times. ...and my coffee hadn't even finished brewing yet! (I've been calling myself Mama a lot trying to get Mia to say it. As a result, Emma has started using it too.) We had a rough morning that day; I was exhausted because Mia didn't sleep well the night before. She kept asking me to play with her and at one point, I actually told her no. :(  After I had a nap and was in better spirits, we were playing in the sun room. She asked if I wanted to have a picnic with her. I said yes and she told me I had to move 3 feet. I was nice and comfortable where I was and said, "No, I think I'll stay here." What I heard next, was my own voice coming out of a 3 year old's mouth, "Well, then I guess we can't have a picnic." My response to this should have been, "Ok, I'll move." Instead, I came out with, "I guess not." She acquiesced in about 10 seconds and we had our picnic.

Carrie posted on 14 September: This morning, Emma was disappointed that the scale said, "Three Four" instead of "Three Four FIVE" like it did last night when she stepped on it. Oh to have a toddler's outlook on life!
I think technically she's not a toddler anymore, but it's weird to say preschooler.
Kurt posted on 16 September: Today I asked Emma to pick up her toys. She told me that this was her house and she wants it messy.
A friend commented: Hey man! How's it going? Good to see from your statuses your daughter is still being awesome.
Good logic, I guess. We explained that it's Mommy and Daddy's house and she just gets to live here. 
Kurt posted on 23 September: Emma: "I am eating so slow, because you are driving me crazy." There is not a phrase I use that she doesn't throw back in my face at some point. 
Emma was in rare, or not so rare these days I guess, form this past weekend. The things she comes out with border on talking back, but are said with potential innocence and most of the time it's everything we can do to control ourselves from bursting out in laughter. Lunch and dinner both days this weekend took approximately 38 minutes. One night last week, we told her she could have some ice cream if she finished her dinner. (Nope, we're not above bribing.) She wanted to win so badly that she started screaming, "I don't want ice cream!" Really? My kid not want ice cream? Crazy talk! Eventually she did finish and got a bite of ice cream.

Kurt posted on 23 September: Me: "Emma, I am tired of you arguing with everything I say today."
Emma: "No I'm not."
It has been a trying morning.

Carrie commented: At least she slept until 715am... 
One of the things that's been driving us nuts is that Emma asks us questions, then tells us we're wrong. She asks if it's going to storm. I say, No, the sun is out and there is blue sky. She responds with, "No it's not." Or she asks a question and we give her an answer. She follows up with a few "Whys?" then "No, it's not." GRRRRR!!!! 

Kurt posted on 23 September: Emma is on a roll today: Me: "Whatcha thinking about, Emma?"
Emma after waking Mom from a nap: "I'm thinking about Mom being angry."
Me: "What is Mom doing?" E: " She said, go see your father." 

Carrie commented on this: This was after I told her to be quiet and let me rest so I didn't become Mean Mommy. I sent her to her room, only to hear her come back in whispering, "Tip toe, Tip toe, quiet, Tip toe, Tip toe."
Although she was relatively good at the grocery store with me earlier in the afternoon, she kept jumping on and off the back of the cart which drove me crazy. At one point, she was sitting in the front of the cart and I thought, 'Sweet! I'll be able to speed through the rest of the store and we'll be out of her!' Emma asked to get down and I refused. Then she said she had to go potty. I didn't even realize that we had just passed the rest room. Eagle Eye Emma instantly had a plan. We use the rest room, where she insisted on telling me that she smelled something stinky several times in a loud voice. *Sigh* As we left and I grabbed the cart, she started dancing complete with arms above her head, singing, "I get to walk now! I get to walk now!" How do you not laugh at that!?! She fell asleep in the car on the way home. I tried to transfer her to her bed, but she was up before I finished putting away the groceries. I told her she could lay down with me thinking that I could coax her back to sleep. She did everything not to fall asleep. Fidget, play with my hair, stare and my face from 2 inches away. I sent her to her room and she kept sneaking back in. Finally after 30 minutes, I told her to go see her Father. 

Although we've been quite frustrating lately, partly because we're tired a lot because Mia isn't sleeping and partly because Emma is 3 and this is a rite of passage, Emma is a great kid. She makes us laugh just as much as she frustrates us...often these occur at the same time. She is nothing if not persistent; while this may cause us trouble while she's a kid, it will serve her well in life. She isn't afraid to let us know how she feels, although she's still working on being able to express herself in words when she's extremely angry or tired. She is a smart, fun loving, and imaginative kid. She is fun to be around and play with. It's great to play games with her - either established games or ones she makes up by herself. Emma has a fantastic memory and continually surprises us with things she remembers. She is so loving to us, Mia, and her babies.

Emma is a good kid...we think we'll keep her! 

Here are a couple pictures from tonight. She's just shy of 3 years and 4 months.


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