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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Too big for her britches

As you know, or may have inferred from blog and facebook posts, Emma is a little bossy and very strong willed. She's also three and apparently with that comes incessant talking. This past weekend, she was up early and I swear I heard the phrase, "Hey Mama..." 20 times before 6:20 in the morning! While I normally find it cute, by 6:30am she was grating on my last nerve. My fuse was already pretty short after not sleeping well all week since Mia had a rough week sleep-wise. As a result, Emma heard  a lot of, "Mommy needs 2 minutes" and "Mommy just wants her coffee" and "Don't you want to play with Daddy?" I did feel bad for brushing her off so much and knowing it was in everyone's best interest, took a quick nap before lunch. I am so grateful that she enjoys playing with me and wants me to do things with her. I realize that these times won't be here forever and try to treasure them.

In the afternoon, I was sitting on the floor in the sun room and Emma packed her lunchbox with play food for a picnic. She then said that the picnic was to be held 3 feet away from where I was sitting. I told her that I was comfortable and didn't want to move. What I heard next was my voice coming out of my three-year old's mouth, "Well, then I guess we can't have a picnic," complete with a head tilt and little shrug. My response, probably not the best one I could have picked, was "I guess not." I was cracking up laughing so hard on the inside. After a couple moments, she decided the picnic could in fact take place where I was seated and it did happen after all.

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