Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, August 26, 2012


We were getting lunch ready today and Mia was a fussy little monster. She kept looking at us like, where's my plate? Since we've been giving her cereal at dinner time, I wanted to stick to that routine. I decided that I would put 3 cheerios on her highchair for her to play with. (I think at this stage in her life, it's a developmental thing if she even pays attention to them.) As we all sat down, Kurt asked her if she wanted one. She promptly opened her mouth and he popped one in. She immediately started chewing. She had a funny look on her face as she figured out what to do, but she definitely liked it! She gobbled all three of them up pretty quickly!

As I said earlier, she eats rice cereal every evening. I usually just eyeball the amounts of cereal and milk as I make it. On Friday, I decided to measure out a full serving and pay attention to the milk I used so that I can start sending some to daycare for her soon. Turns out she ate a full tablespoon of dry cereal with about 1.5 oz of milk...and still wanted more!

Looks like we should probably get her some 1st stage fruits and veggies here pretty soon!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

What a cutie! Miss you!