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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mia's first taste of cereal

Mia has been eyeing up food and watching people eat for a few weeks now. Tonight she had some milk leftover in a bottle so we decided to try giving her rice cereal. I may have made it a bit too thick for her first time, but she knew just what to do! She cried a bit because she was very hungry and couldn't really swallow the cereal very well so after every bite, she washed it down with some milk from a bottle. She ate approximately a tablespoon of cereal.

This was also the first time she sat in the highchair.

We planned on waiting until Mia was 6 months old to give her food, like we did with Emma, but Mia has shown such interest that we thought it was worth a try. Her pediatrician said she recommends waiting until 6 months, but that some kids want it earlier, her son included.

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