Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 3, 2012

First Day at Work

Today was my first day back to work. This morning went pretty smoothly. Mia woke up just before my alarm, so I fed her and put her back down. While I was in the shower, Kurt said he had to get up and give her her nuk again. After I got ready, I heard her stirring again and changed her and tried to feed her but she didn't want to eat and was wide awake...a full hour before she has been! She must have known today was different. I got her dressed for the day and we came downstairs to get bottles, breakfast, and lunch together. Emma woke up and ate while I pumped. She dilly-dallied a while with her breakfast but I was able to help her finish and get her changed while Kurt showered. I left before they did, but forgot something and had to come back *sigh*

It was nice to be at work and see everyone. Unfortunately, I had computer issues and didn't get much actual work done. I was a few minutes late leaving for the day and as I walked into daycare, the director said she just left a message wondering when I'd be in because Mia was hungry. I nursed Mia and talked to her caregiver, Miss Virginia, and we decided that in addition to the 2 3oz bottles and 2 4oz bottles, I would send a 2oz bottle to give her later in the afternoon to hold her over until I got there.

After rounding up Emma and getting everything (bottles, sheets, blankets, papers) we made our way to the car and headed home. We had already planned on pizza tonight, so all I had to do was turn on the oven. The girls were both very good which was a relief. I got some snuggles and play time in with Mia and chatted with Emma (poor kid had an in grown hair on her knee and spent about 30 minutes holding a hot compress on it.). At dinner time, Mia was grunting and talking up a storm...I think she was telling us she wanted food, so I made her some rice cereal. I made it thinner tonight. She makes a mess and doesn't get much down yet, but she definitely wants it. Maybe we'll try to give her some cereal most nights. I think she'd like to sit at the table with us in her highchair.

Days are going to be cram packed when we get home between getting dinner started, unpacking, giving the girls some attention, and getting them ready for bed and dinner cleaned up, we're going to be exhausted, but I'm hoping the majority of nights are like tonight when most things go smoothly. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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