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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mia's Big Monday!

Monday was Mia's first day at daycare without Mommy.  (Last week, I took her into the baby room each day, on days that she didn't fall asleep in the car, we went twice at Emma's dropoff and pickup.) She did ok for 4 hours. She was a little fussy getting used to the room her teachers told us. She drank both her bottles without problem though which is a huge relief! I know the teachers won't tell us if she cries a lot (I asked yesterday after her 2nd day and they said she gets a little fussy and they just redirect with a new toy), but I just have my fingers crossed that she will adjust well. Tuesday, she went for 5 hours and drank three bottles. The teachers told me that they don't think she'll let food go to waste, so on Wednesday we sent 3oz bottles instead of the 2oz bottles she had been getting. They said it was good we're doing an adjustment period and gradually increasing her days there. They told me yesterday, they might move her crib to a back corner so it's a bit quieter since she doesn't like to hear crying and her current crib is sort of in the middle of the room. *Sigh. Breaks my heart to think she's not adjusting well.* At the same time I know that at 4 months, this is probably one of the easier times to transition to daycare...before separation anxiety sets in and while Mia doesn't really have a concept of time. I still wish I could keep her at home with me!

On Monday, Mia also had her 4 month checkup. She is a big, healthy girl weighing in at 15 lbs 6 oz and measuring at 25.5 inches long. Both are 90th percentile. Her head circumference continued to measure at the 50th percentile. The doctor was impressed with Mia's head control and how she was doing pilates crunches and 'superman' when held up high. She commented that all these were 6 month things. We remember Emma doing similar things at this age. Mia got an oral vaccine which she drank like a champ as well as 2 injections. She cried but seemed to get over it quickly and didn't even want to nurse for comfort. Our little pioneer baby trooper!

For comparison, I dug out Emma's baby book. She had a 3 month appointment, instead of a 4 month appointment. At 3 months, Emma measured 13 lbs 6 oz and is 24.4 inches long

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