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Friday, August 14, 2009

Emma's big day!

Yesterday, Emma had a big day! She rolled from her tummy to her back...3 times! It was Kurt's turn to stay at home with her and he said that she was looking over her shoulder at a toy and all of a sudden she turned over. He put her back on her tummy and she was able to do it again! When I got home, Emma got to tell me her big accomplishment with smiles and coos. =) Today, I had her on her tummy all morning hoping she would be excited to show me, but she was happy just to look in front of her and then do face plants on the blanket when she got tired.

Last night, we gave her a bath and she had THE most fun yet in the water! As soon as she was in the tub, she started splashing with her hands and feet. It was SO cute! She played for a long time, even splashing us outside the tub.

She is talking more and more and making different sounds almost daily. It's fun to see her figuring out how to make sounds when she tries to imitate us.

Earlier this week, Emma and I went to her first playgroup which was held at the Mainz Volkspark this week. There were 4 toddlers who had fun playing in sand and then running through a fountain area and 2 other infants. The 3 infants were born within 2 weeks of each other! Emma enjoyed watching the kids play and looking at the trees.

Today was a work picnic. It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed being outside and catching up with friends. Emma was a trooper! She was awake from about 1100 until 4 which is a really long stretch for her. She had a little cat nap at one point, but we were passing her around so much that she kept waking up...we're such mean parents! Even without a nap though, she was in good spirits and studied everything around her intently. We're so lucky to have such a happy spirited baby.

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