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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First day back to work

Yesterday was my first day back to work. The morning went probably the smoothest it will ever go, and I'm not holding my breath that it will be that easy ever again. Emma slept from about 930 to 440, so I got a full night's uninterrupted sleep. I fed her, changed her diaper, and she fell asleep as I fed her some more. Afterward, I had breakfast, showered, and gathered all my gear and was out the door at 620 and into work by 700!

I checked in with Daddy and Emma around lunch time, and Kurt gave me the full run down of the morning: eating, getting dressed for the day, changing, playing and sleeping. They were having a blast!

After weeding through my work email (1600+ emails down to 250 by the time I left) all day, I headed out the door at 330 and was home before 430 to give my little girl bunches of snuggles and cuddles! Emma was so excited to see me that she spit up on me almost as soon as I picked her up :)

Kurt is working today, so I get to spend the whole day with Emma before I go to work tomorrow.

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