Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, August 17, 2009

Emma's First Wine Fest

Earlier this summer, Emma went to her first German Fest. On Sunday, we took Emma to her first wine fest which was in Wiesbaden. Sunday was a gorgeous day, bright blue sky and sun. The only downfall was that it was pretty warm...the car said 91. Luckily, the fest wasn't too packed in mid-afternoon and we were able to find a table in the shade. We even were able to find another shaded table when the sun moved and started to bake us at the first! Unfortunately, it was a little too warm, and Emma was a little fussy. Poor girl! She did enjoy looking around at all the new surroundings though. She especially enjoyed the bright yellow table cloth and the red Coke cup! She also enjoyed attention from our friends' 8-year old daughter, Zoe.

We even managed two diaper changes on the narrow fest benches! The first wasn't a big deal...60 seconds tops! The second however was a bit longer since Emma had had an explosion in her diaper. We were definitely the entertainment for the locals for a few minutes while we got her poopy outfit and diaper off of her and a new clean diaper onto her. Although we had another outfit with us...we let her be naked baby for the rest of the afternoon since it was so warm. She was much happier that way! (Thanks for the extra hands Morgan and Liz!)

After we got home, we gave her a bath. She has so much fun in the tub! She really enjoys splashing and kicking! At one point she was kicking so much that her leg came up over the bath tub! Another time, she was kicking so much she fell over a little bit and really startled herself! It was so cute! The faces she was making were adorable! We'll post some pictures of recent baths soon.

1 comment:

Matt and Ashley said...

So cultured at such a young age...well, minus the pooping her pants bit. Glad you guys were able to enjoy the fest as a family!