Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday Party!

On 23 October, we attended Emma's friend Cameron's 2nd Birthday party. (Cameron was Emma's first boyfriend at school.) The theme was "Down on the Farm." Luckily, it was a gorgeous day and Cameron and his 6 friends were able to be outside. The kids had fun with animal and farm stickers, playing on the slide, attempting to hit a ball off a tee, and exploring the back yard before singing songs and posing for pictures.

We sang, The Farmer in the Dell, She'll Be Coming around the Mountain, Old MacDonald, and of course, Happy Birthday. The kids, all mostly around 2, did amazingly well and sat on bales of hay during the singing.

 Afterward, they were rewarded with animal cupcakes and barns filled with fun favors like animal crackers, silly bands, stickers, and a stuffed animal.

During the party, Emma enjoyed her very first juice box! She loved it and sucked it down in no time. Since she doesn't drink juice very often, we only allowed her to have one. She was relatively satisfied to carry around the empty juice box and chew on the straw from time to time.

Emma fell asleep on the way home from the party around 630pm and slept straight through the night until about 5am. I was able to snuggle with her and she didn't really wake up until 630am the next day! Since she got so much sleep, she was an amazingly happy little girl the entire day!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i'm really catching up on all of these! Thanks for writing them all!