Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Tonight I put Emma's dinner plate in front of her and told her that we were having yummy chicken and cheesy vegetables. She looked at the plate for a few seconds and said, "Pass! All done!" and threw her hands up in the air. *sigh* Since I didn't feel like a huge tantrum, I took her plate away and got her down from her high chair. A few minutes later, she came back and asked for black beans. Since she didn't eat anything else and black beans are a decent choice, I made her some...she proceeded to eat 5. Here's hoping that she doesn't wake up at 3am with a grumbing tummy!

I'm assuming that the "pass" was learned at daycare where they are fed meals and snacks family style and get to choose what they want or don't want that day. I'll have to ask tomorrow when I pick her up.

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