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Friday, July 27, 2012

Cause and Effect

I've been meaning to write about this for about 2 weeks now.

Mia understands cause and effect. One afternoon, we were giggling together and I was making funny faces at her. She was wriggling around and startled all of a sudden. Her startle face and arms are so cute and I laughed even harder. She thought this was funny and laughed too. Then she startled again...but I could tell it wasn't a 'real' startle, she was just mimicking the face and arm positions to make me laugh, which it did which made her so proud and made her laugh again. She continued to do this for the better part of 10 minutes. Since then we've done the routine a few more times. It's amazing that at 3.5 to 4 months she already realizes that her actions cause reactions (other than crying = changing/feeding/holding.)

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