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Thursday, July 19, 2012

More fire please

Last night we went to a get together with some friends we met in Germany. We had a great time visiting; Mia enjoyed some snuggles from friends and Emma had a blast playing with Robert. The get together was at Robert's house, and so we were able to let Emma and Robert just go play together without worrying about what they would get into. (We love going places where everything is already toddler proofed!)

At the end of the night, John broke out sparklers! Renae mentioned she had seen that sticking the sparkler into the bottom of a disposable cup (like a sword) made it slightly safer for kids since the sparks wouldn't fall on their hands/wrists. Emma and Robert both got a sparkler and had a good time with them, although they didn't wave them too much, they sort of just stared and them mesmerized for a while. After they went out they went around asking for "more fire please!" It was very cute!

Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera out and didn't get any pictures. :(

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